Working with tags

I’ve been working with tags in different applications for a while and every time I use them, I write the functionality from scratch. It’s not complicated, but by rewriting the code, I always tend to neglect safety checks and nice to have features. What are tags? It’s a string that contains elements, aka tags, that […]

Sending Record by Email (Updated)

(Updated April 3, 0223/bug fixes and linked form support added) This is a simple form script for emailing a TapForms record without using the print feature. Here is how a record will look like in the email: Title: Fall Colors #4 Folio: Fall Colors Bar Code: 2022 Print Size: 16×20 Medium: Panel Mounted Print with […]

Embedding Photo Search Results

For a long time, I wanted to structure some of my albums based on search results instead of a fixed content. This would enable something like a smart album structure that supports themes (e.g. bridges, mountains, people, etc) where images are shown that are already published in another album. A week ago, Chumby asked the […]

Customizing Page Footer

Did you ever wonder how I created a page footer such as? With Backlight, there is only a limited number of options available to customize the page footer. But if that is not sufficient, then there is an alternative way by using the phplugins function footer_top(). With just a few lines of code in your […]

Using Automator and Dropbox to Automate Photo Import

Someone in the Tap Forms forum recently asked, if it is possible to automatically import an image from a folder using Automator into a new Tap Forms record. Since I was thinking about a similar application, I further investigated this. Currently, the Javascript API doesn’t support file system access, but adding an image from a […]

Using Backlight 3 JSON API from PHP, take 2

This is an update to my original post. It improves on error handling and has some other cosmetic changes. One of the new features of Backlight 3 is a JSON API. It is a standard REST API interface and is very easy to use. The documentation shows all the endpoints and provides even a JavaScript […]

Common WordPress End-of-Post Content

I like to have a common element at the end of all my blog posts, but before the comments section. Sometimes this is to highlight upcoming shows, other times it is a special sales discount, a cool tagline, or like here on the lab blog, the Buy me a coffee block. There are many WordPress […]

Customizing Language Selector (Updated)

Backlight supports multiple languages which can be selected by clicking on the globe button in the top pallet. Although my site is only in english, I prefer language labels instead of a globe icon when browsing sites. Here I’ll show you how you can add this to your site. Doesn’t this look prettier? Changing the […]

Web Design Consulting

Do you need help designing your web site or getting Backlight working the way you want? Contact me to discuss your idea or project.

Buy me a Coffee

If you like what I share here, please consider buying me a coffee or a print. This helps keeping me motivated to continue posting. Thank you!

Buy Me A Coffee
