(Updated April 3, 0223/bug fixes and linked form support added)
This is a simple form script for emailing a TapForms record without using the print feature.
Here is how a record will look like in the email:
Title: Fall Colors #4 Folio: Fall Colors Bar Code: 2022 Print Size: 16x20 Medium: Panel Mounted Print with Floater Frame Medium Detail: Epson Ultra Premium Photo Paper Luster Framed: true Year: 2021 Capture Date: Oct 21, 2028
Only primitive data field types such as Text, Number, Date, Time etc are supported. Complex data fields such as Photo or File attachments, or tables are ignored! Linked-form fields are followed and their content added as well. For contact fields, only the name is printed. Empty fields are discarded.
To use this, create a form script and copy following code in it. When executing it, the script will format the fields as described and then call the mailtool with the body of the message prefilled.
This function copies all fields that represent a primitive data
type from the currentRecord and arranges them as a formatted
text. There is currently no beautification done! Object data
fields such a photo or file attachments, or tables as well as
empty fields are ignored. Linked-fields are followed.
Returns the formatted text.
function copyRecordToText(currentRecord, level=0){
let currentForm = currentRecord.form;
let rec = [];
let fields = currentForm.getFields();
let intend = " ".repeat(level*3);
for (f of fields){
let value = currentRecord.getFieldValue(f.getId());
if (value) {
if (typeof(value) != "object"){
rec.push(intend + f.name + ": " + value);
} else if (f.fieldType == "contact") {
rec.push(intend + f.name + ": " + value.name);
//rec.push(f.name + ": " + JSON.stringify(value));
} else if (f.fieldType == "date") {
let d = new Date(value)
rec.push(intend + f.name + ": " + d.toDateString());
} else if (f.fieldType == "time") {
let d = new Date(value)
rec.push(intend + f.name + ": " + d.toTimeString());
} else if (f.fieldType == "date_time") {
let d = new Date(value)
rec.push(intend + f.name + ": " + d);
} else if (f.fieldType == "form") {
if (value.length > 0){
rec.push(intend + f.name + ": ");
for (v of value){
rec.push(intend + copyRecordToText(v, level+1));
} else {
console.log("Unsupported field type" + f.name + "(" + f.fieldType + ")");
rec = rec.join("\n");
console.log("============= Record =============");
console.log("============End Record ===========");
return rec;
createEmailURL(to, cc, bcc, subject, body)
Creates a text string with the given arguments. This then later
can be used when calling Utils.openUrl(emailUrl);
Returns URL text string.
function createEmailURL(to, cc, bcc, subject, body) {
let argsList = [];
(cc) ? argsList.push("cc=" + cc): null;
(bcc) ? argsList.push("bcc=" + bcc): null;
(subject) ? argsList.push("subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject)): null;
(body) ? argsList.push("body=" + encodeURIComponent(body)): null;
let url = "mailto:" + to + "?" + argsList.join("&");
console.log("emailUrl: " + url);
return url;
function Mail_Record() {
let emailBody = copyRecordToText(record);
let emailUrl = createEmailURL("", "", "", "Email Record", emailBody);
// Send email
Instead of emailing a record, the data could be copied to the clipboard as well and then used in another application:
function Copy_Record() {
let emailBody = copyRecordToText(record);
// Copy email
Note: This code includes data from forms that are linked to. But if data needs to be included from a form that is linked form, then line 32 needs to be changed from
} else if (f.fieldType == "form") {
} else if (f.fieldType == "from-form") {
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