The single-page view is a bit of a neglected child. Its main purpose is to provide a static link to an image that can be easily shared on social media. But there is more!
With Backlight 2 and later, the internal classes photo and album are exposed now.
// Parses texts and replaces text links with real URLs. Used to display them in single-page view.
function to_url($text) {
return preg_replace('@(http)?(s)?(://)?(([-\w]+\.)+([^\s]+)+[^,.\s])@', '<a href="http$2://$4">$1$2$3$4</a>', $text);
function single_bottom() {
if ($this->hasPhoto()) {
echo '<p>';
echo '<strong>Image Infos:</strong><br/>';
echo 'Filename: '.$this->photo->getFilename().'<br/>';
echo 'Dimensions: '.$this->photo->getPhotoHeight().'w x '.$this->photo->getPhotoHeight().'h<br/>';
echo 'Title: '.$this->photo->getMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_TITLE).'<br/>';
echo 'Caption: '.$this->to_url($this->photo->getMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_CAPTION)).'<br/>';
echo 'Metadata 1: '.$this->to_url($this->photo->getMetadata("metadata_one")).'<br/>';
echo 'Metadata 2: '.$this->to_url($this->photo->getMetadata("metadata_two")).'<br/>';
if (hasLocation()){
echo 'Latitude: ' . $this->photo->getLatitude(() .' ';
echo 'Longitude: ' . $this->photo->getLongitude(() .' ';
echo '<a href="'. $this->photo->getMapsURL() .'>Map</a>';
} else {
echo 'No location data';
echo '</p>';
echo '<strong>Parent album infos:</strong>';
echo '<p>';
echo 'Album title: '.$this->album->getTitle().'<br/>';
echo 'Description: '.$this->album->getDescription().'<br/>';
echo 'Slug: '.$this->album->getSlug().'<br/>';
echo 'Number of photos : '.$this->photo->album->getNumberOfPhotos().'<br/>';
echo '</p>';
return true;
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Should I add this script to my php file?
Yes, this would be part of your phplugins file. Obviously, you would need to modify it according to your preferences.
Maybe just
function single_bottom() {
if ($this->hasPhoto()) {
echo ‘<p>
echo ‘Title: ‘.$this->photo->getMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_TITLE).'<br/>’;
echo ‘Caption: ‘.to_url($this->photo->getMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_CAPTION)).'<br/>’;
echo ‘</p>’;
return true;